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2023-04-17 16:11:09 作者:小编 点击:

哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)校区培训- 任际范哈工大(深圳)经济管理学院副教授

任际范,副教授,博士生导师,深圳市高层次领军人才。任哈工大(深圳)经济管理综合实验室主任,大数据会计与决策研究中心 执行主任。主要研究方向:信息管理、大数据与智能商务。

目前主持各类课题多项,其中主持国家自然科学基金(NSFC)面上项目2 项,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题1项,参与NSFC项目1项;主持参与多项政府和企业课题,主持教学项目2项。论文发表在多个国际国内期刊,包括International Journal of Production Research, Journal of Business Research, Computers in Human Behavior, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 中国管理科学,系统管理学报,管理评论,暨南学报(哲学社科版)等。

Ren Jifan, Associate professor - Dr. Ren is now working at Harbin Institute of Technology , Shenzhen. He is the director of Economic and Management Laboratory, deputy director of Business Administration Research Center. His main research area includes: big data and social media research, e-commerce and value co-creation. He is the PI of several important research projects, including 2 Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) surface projects, a number of government and corporate issues, and 2 teaching projects. Dr.Ren has published in several international and domestic journals, including IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, Journal of Business Research, China Journal of Management Science, Systems Management, Management Review, Journal of Jinan (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition) and so on.